Murad Transforming Skincare through the science of cellular water
Home > Anti-Aging


Hormonal Aging—During the
years leading up to menopause,
the body produces decreasing
quantities of skin-enhancing
estrogen. The skin becomes more
fragile and thin with increased
wrinkling, sagging and possible
acne breakouts. Since the face has
a high concentration of estrogen
receptors, hormonal changes may
be most visible there—in the form
of deep creases, dull tone and
crepe-like texture.

Genetic Aging—Fine lines and
wrinkles are often based on
our genetic makeup. (If your
mother had great skin, you
probably will too...) For most
of us our skin begins to show
signs of genetic aging as early
as our 20s. As we age our
skin’s production of essential
proteins slows down and our
skin gradually loses density
and fine lines and wrinkles
begin to form.

Environmental Aging—Age spots
and hyperpigmentation can be a
result of exposure to the sun and
other environmental stressors
(extreme weather and pollution).
Environmental aging accelerates
the breakdown of collagen and
elastin which can lead to freckles,
blotches and age spots.

Advanced Aging—As the body ages, its processes slow, including the skin’s immune function, which impacts its ability to repair and defend itself. Because diminished immunity leaves skin vulnerable to damage due to prolonged stress, UVA/UVB exposure, poor nutrition and unhealthy lifestyles, Dr. Murad researched how to restore the skin’s immunity. His discovery: a bio-peptide that re-invigorates skin’s natural defense mechanisms, so skin can protect itself from assault and recover more quickly the way younger skin does.